Voicians Music Library
Can I use the songs from the Voicians Music Library list for my monetized content?
Is this 'copyright free'? / I got a copyright strike!
in some cases you still get a copyright strike
BUT: simply decline the claim and choose the option "I got permission from copyright holder" and it's fine :)
This won't affect your channel
Do I have to buy the songs I use?
I want to use your music outside of YouTube or Twitch!
Hell yeah! Send me a message: info@voicians.com
The song I want to use is not on the list :(
I'm sorry, I can't grant you permission for those...
Some songs have been released by labels and I don't own the rights anymore.
I make videos for other channels too, can I still use your music?
yes that's fine. The library is 'linked' to you as a content creator. I understand that as a video editor you can get your videos featured on other channels too. Just make sure I get credited on these channels too.